How Much Is Car Insurance For A 19-Year-Old Driver?

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Written by Bob Phillips
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Navigating the realm of car insurance as a 19-year-old can feel like entering a maze of costs and considerations. It’s a juncture where the joy of newfound independence meets the sobering reality of financial responsibility. From the bustling streets of city life to the winding roads of suburban tranquility, the question echoes: How much does car insurance truly cost for a 19-year-old driver?

Beyond the numbers lies a journey through factors both personal and statistical, where each turn reveals insights into risk, coverage, and the ever-elusive balance between youthful ambition and prudent protection. So, let’s embark on this exploration, decoding the intricacies that shape the answer to this pivotal question.

Keep in mind that the numbers provided below are general averages, and the actual expenses may differ based on variables such as your location, driving record, gender, credit rating, and the particular insurance provider you choose.

Key Takeaways

  • Nineteen-year-olds have the option to purchase minimum coverage starting at $1,581 annually.

  • The key to purchasing car insurance lies in obtaining and comparing multiple quotes.

  • There exist numerous strategies for reducing car insurance premiums for individuals aged 19.

How Much Is Car Insurance For A 19 Year Old?

The cost of car insurance for a 19-year-old varies depending on factors like the type of coverage, gender, and driving record. On average, a 19-year-old might pay around $1,581 per year for basic coverage or up to $5,639 per year for comprehensive coverage.

Understanding the cost of car insurance is really important because it affects your budget a lot. Insurance rates aren’t the same for everyone and depend on things like what type of coverage you choose, your gender, and how you’ve driven in the past.

The big difference in cost between basic and comprehensive coverage shows why it’s important to know what you’re paying for. Basic coverage might seem cheaper, but it might not protect you enough in some situations. Comprehensive coverage gives you more protection, including coverage for accidents, theft, vandalism, and natural disasters.

The good news is there are ways to reduce how much you pay. For example, if you drive safely and qualify for discounts that insurance companies offer, your premiums can go down a lot. Also, if you check prices from different insurers and compare them, you can find the cheapest option for you.

How Much Is Car Insurance For A 19 Year Old – By Gender?

It’s really important for all drivers to understand how much car insurance costs, especially for 19-year-olds who often have to pay more. Many things affect these costs, and one big factor is gender.

On average, car insurance rates can be different for males and females because car insurance companies see different risks for each gender. Let’s explore how much car insurance typically costs for 19-year-old male and female drivers.

Coverage Type Average Annual Cost for Male Average Annual Cost for Female
Minimum Coverage $1,581 $1,442
Full Coverage $5,639 $4,939

How Much Is Car Insurance For A 19 Year Old – By State?

Car insurance costs can vary a lot, especially for 19-year-olds. Where you live can make a big difference in how much you pay for insurance. After doing thorough research using many sources, I’ve put together a detailed chart comparing the average car insurance prices for 19-year-olds across different states.

State Average Annual Full Coverage Premium for 19-year-old Drivers
Alabama $5,316
Alaska $4,999
Arizona $6,032
Arkansas $5,087
California $5,278
Colorado $6,753
Connecticut $6,125
Delaware $6,445
Florida $7,960
Georgia $6,463
Hawaii $1,826
Idaho $3,483
Illinois $5,910
Indiana $3,963
Iowa $3,823
Kansas $5,779
Kentucky $6,443
Louisiana $8,155
Maine $3,867
Maryland $6,902
Massachusetts $3,985
Michigan $7,143
Minnesota $4,924
Mississippi $4,811
Missouri $5,846
Montana $5,561
Nebraska $5,076
Nevada $6,943
New Hampshire $4,028
New Jersey $5,594
New Mexico $5,137
New York $2,169
North Carolina $3,745
North Dakota $3,824
Ohio $5,682
Oklahoma $4,713
Oregon $6,020
Pennsylvania $7,010
Rhode Island $4,514
South Carolina $4,093
South Dakota $2,292
Tennessee $4,784
Texas $6,281
Utah $5,395
Vermont $3,797
Virginia $4,908
Washington $4,399
Washington, D.C. $5,753
West Virginia $4,482
Wisconsin $4,153
Wyoming $3,867

Keep in mind that these numbers are averages, and the actual amount you pay could be different depending on a variety of factors.

How Much Is Car Insurance For A 19 Year Old – By Credit Score?

Insurance companies generally don’t disclose exact rates based on credit scores, but it’s well-known that your credit score affects how much you pay for car insurance. If your credit score is lower, you might end up paying more for insurance. On the other hand, a higher credit score could mean you pay less. According to Forbes, car insurance rates can go up by about 76% on average depending on your credit score.

Credit Tier Avg. Annual Premium for 19-Year-Olds
Poor $5,147
Fair $4,083
Good $3,788
Very Good $2,936
Excellent $2,214

Cheapest Car Insurance Companies For A 19 Year Old

When searching for the cheapest car insurance for 19-year-olds, some companies stand out for their low rates and extensive coverage choices. As a young driver, it’s crucial to find a balance between affordability and good protection to stay safe while driving.

Just keep in mind that your specific rate will be influenced by factors like how you’ve driven before, your credit score, and the type of car you own.

Company Monthly Rate
Farm Bureau $205
Erie $219
Travelers $281
Auto-Owners $286
Geico $310

How Much Is Car Insurance For A 19 Year Old – By Vehicle

At 19 years old, you’re seen as a teen driver, and your insurance rates are higher compared to older, more experienced drivers. The car you choose to drive can greatly affect how much you pay for insurance. Factors like safety ratings and repair expenses play a big role in how insurers figure out your premium. Knowing how your vehicle choice influences your insurance costs can guide you in making smart decisions about which car to drive or buy.

Vehicle Type Average Annual Premium for 19-Year-Olds
Sedan $4,376
Hybrid $3,110
Luxury $4,290
SUV $4,143
Truck $3,736
Van $3,188

How Much Is Car Insurance – By Age

As shown in the chart below, young drivers usually have the highest car insurance rates because they have less driving experience and are seen as higher risk. As drivers get older and gain more experience, their insurance rates generally go down, reaching their lowest point in middle age. But as drivers become seniors, rates can start to increase again due to the higher risks that come with older age.

Age Average Annual Premium for Minimum Coverage Average Annual Premium for Full Coverage
19 1,442 4,939
22 $2,137 $3,990
35 $2,075 $2,054
40 $2,020 $2,008
50 $1,885 $1,877
60 $1,832 $1,816
70 $2,001 $1,972

How To Save Money On Your Car Insurance As A 19 Year Old

Navigating the world of car insurance as a 19-year-old can feel like stepping into a maze of high premiums and complex choices. However, there are practical steps you can take to save money and find the right coverage that fits your needs and budget.

Saving money on car insurance as a 19-year-old:

  1. Maintain a Clean Driving Record: Keeping a clean driving record by avoiding accidents and traffic violations can help lower your insurance premiums. Insurance companies often offer discounts to drivers with a history of safe driving.
  2. Take Advantage of Discounts: Many insurance companies provide discounts for young drivers who complete driver education courses, maintain good grades (if you’re a student), or have multiple policies with the same insurer. Be sure to ask about available discounts when shopping for insurance.
  3. Choose a Car Wisely: Opt for a car that is affordable to insure. Vehicles with high safety ratings, lower repair costs, and less powerful engines typically come with lower insurance premiums. Avoid high-performance or luxury vehicles that can be more expensive to insure.
  4. Increase Your Deductible: Consider choosing a higher deductible, which is the amount you pay out of pocket before your insurance coverage kicks in. A higher deductible can lower your monthly premiums, but make sure you can afford the deductible amount in case of an accident.
  5. Shop Around and Compare Quotes: Don’t settle for the first insurance quote you receive. Shop around and compare prices from different insurance companies. Each insurer uses its own formula to calculate premiums, so you may find significant differences in rates for the same coverage.
  6. Bundle Your Policies: If you have other insurance policies, such as renters or life insurance, consider bundling them with your car insurance policy from the same company. Insurers often offer discounts for bundling multiple policies.

How To Buy Car Insurance As A 19 Year Old

Getting car insurance can be overwhelming, especially if you're a teen driver. However, with the right approach, it can be straightforward. Here are seven steps to guide you through buying car insurance at 19:

Prepare Your Information:

Before you start shopping for car insurance, gather important details like your driver’s license number, vehicle identification number (VIN), and your driving history.


Maintain A Clean Driving Record:

Keeping a clean driving record is crucial for keeping your insurance costs down. Avoid accidents and traffic violations, as they can raise your premiums significantly.


Decide On Your Coverage Needs:

Figure out what type of coverage you need based on factors like your vehicle’s age and value, your finances, and how much risk you’re comfortable with.


Choose How To Shop:

Decide whether you want to buy insurance online, talk to a company representative, or work with an independent agent. Each method has its advantages, so choose what works best for you.


Compare Quotes:

Don’t settle for the first quote you receive. Compare prices from different insurance companies to make sure you’re getting the best deal. Prices can vary a lot because each company calculates rates differently.


Buy Your Policy:

Once you’ve found the right insurance company and coverage, purchase your policy. Read through it carefully to understand what it covers and what it doesn’t.


Review Your Coverage Regularly:

Your insurance needs may change over time, so review your coverage periodically. Make sure you’re not paying for coverage you don’t need anymore and that you’re adequately protected for your current situation.

Following these steps can make buying car insurance at 19 easier and less stressful. Remember, the key to finding the right insurance is to shop around and compare quotes from different companies.

What is the best car insurance for a 19 year old?



What is the best car insurance for a 19 year old?

Based on my own experience, detailed comparisons, and feedback from customers, I believe Farm Bureau            offers a great combination of low cost and extensive coverage. Many people agree, as shown by numerous positive reviews. Farm Bureau provides flexible policies, great customer support, and significant discounts for safe driving and safety features.

At what age is car insurance the cheapest?

Car insurance tends to be the cheapest when drivers reach their mid to late 20s. Typically, this age group is considered less risky by insurance companies due to several factors. By this time, drivers have generally gained more experience on the road, which translates to fewer accidents and claims.

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