Survey: 52% Of Americans Know Someone Who has Driven Drunk On New Year's Eve

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Updated: 27 December 2023
Written by Cara Carlone
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Christmas is unfortunately over for another year. Now, people are looking forward to celebrating the beginning of 2024, on New Year’s eve.

While excitement levels are high, inhibitions are unusually low. Many people get too wrapped up in the excitement, and forget to watch their alcohol consumption. This then leads to more drivers on the road with alcohol in their system.

According to previous studies, 36% of all fatal car accidents that happen over NYE involve 1 or more drunk drivers. On top of that, having a DUI on your record can increase your insurance premiums by 70%, at even the best car insurance companies.

The latest Insuranceopedia survey of American adults, sought to find out just just how common drunk driving on New Year’s Eve really is.

Key Takeaways

  • 52% of Americans know someone who has driven drunk on NYE.

  • 75% of Americans are worried about being hit by a drunk drive on NYE

  • 92% of Americans believe that drunk driving on NYE is a problem in the country.

52% Know Someone Who Has Driven Drunk On New Year’s Eve

Our survey found that just over half of Americans know someone who has drunk driven on NYE.

Drunk driving is a very prevalent danger on the roads, particularly so on NYE. The early hours of the morning on NYE are one of the most dangerous times to be on the road. According to recent studies, the risk of being involved in a fatal car accident, involving a drunk driver, is 116% higher on NYE than on a regular night.

Q: Do you know someone who has driven drunk on NYE?

Answer Choices Percentage Of Responses
Yes 51.84%
No 44.29%
Prefer Not To Say 3.87%

24% Admit To Driving After Having Something To Drink On New Year’s Eve

Almost 1/4 of Americans admit that they have at least 1 drink before getting behind the wheel on New Year’s Eve.

Mother’s Against Drunk Driving note that NYE, as well as New Year’s Day, is still a time that is marred by drunk driving deaths and accidents. Some studies have shown that January 1st has the highest number of alcohol related deaths of any day in the calendar year.

While this issue exists across all adult ages, the 21-24 age group are the most likely to be involved in a drunk driving accident.

Q: Have You Ever Driven After Drinking On New Year’s Eve?

Answer Choices Percentage Of Responses
Yes 23.98%
No 73.11%
Prefer Not To Say 32.90%

75% Are Concerned About Being Hit By A Drunk Driver On New Year’s Eve

3/4s of Americans have expressed their concern about being injured, or killed, by a drunk driver this New Year’s Eve.

According to recent studies, around 30,000 people could be involved in a drunk driving accident this year. While the National Safety Council estimates that around 380 people will be killed on U.S. roads this upcoming New Year’s Day. These alarming statistics give weight to the concerns of Americans this New Year.

Q: Are You Concerned About Being Hit By A Drunk Driver On New Year’s Eve?

Answer Choices Percentage Of Responses
Yes 74.66%
No 25.34%

92% Believe That Drunk Driving Is A Real Problem On New Year’s Eve

Almost all Americans (92%) believe that drunk driving is an issue on New Year’s Eve, which shows just how real this societal problem is.

Q: Do You Think Drunk Driving Is A Problem On New Year’s Eve?

Answer Choices Percentage Of Responses
Yes 92.26%
No 7.74%

Tips For Avoiding A Drunk Driving Accident

  • Always designate a sober driver to drive your group home safely.
  • Consider arranging sleeping arrangements at a hotel or friend’s house, to avoid having to drive home after drinking.
  • Pay extra attention to other drivers on the road. Being vigilant can help you to spot other drivers who are alcohol impaired.
  • Avoid getting in a car with an impaired driver, and if possible, take away their keys to prevent them from driving.
  • Keep a Cab company’s number, in case you or anyone you know, needs a lift home.


Insuranceopedia commissioned a survey of 517 Americans in December 2023. The Survey questioned U.S. adults aged 18+. Quotas were used to ensure that the sample base was representative of the U.S. population.

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