Evidence Of Insurability
What Does Evidence Of Insurability Mean?
Evidence of insurability (EOI) is a crucial part of the application process for a life or health insurance policy, during which the applicant must provide health information. Coverage does not become effective until the EOI is approved. This process may involve submitting medical history and other relevant information that provides a comprehensive view of the applicant’s physical condition and overall health status.
Insuranceopedia Explains Evidence Of Insurability
The information provided in an Evidence of Insurability (EOI) affects whether an individual is approved for coverage and may also influence the premium rate. This is because a person’s health is critical in the context of life or health insurance. Generally, healthier individuals are less likely to die or require extensive medical treatment, which makes them less costly for insurers to cover. Thus, an EOI helps insurers protect themselves from adverse risks and disproportionate claims by allowing them to assess the health status of applicants accurately.