Common Carrier

Updated: 16 December 2024

What Does Common Carrier Mean?

A common carrier is a commercial individual, entity, or organization that transports people or goods by land, sea, or air in exchange for payment. Unlike contract or private carriers, common carriers serve the general public. In some states, a license is required for legal operation.

Insuranceopedia Explains Common Carrier

Examples of common carriers include taxi companies, trucking firms, courier services, towing companies, air freights, airlines, railway trains, shipping companies, transport buses, and public utility vehicles, such as jeepneys.

The term “common carrier” is often referenced in insurance claims involving incidents like plane crashes, shipwrecks, or bus accidents. For instance, in a life insurance policy, an accidental death benefit rider may provide an additional death benefit to the beneficiary if the insured dies as a result of a common carrier accident.

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