Unit Benefit

Updated: 17 December 2024

What Does Unit Benefit Mean?

A unit benefit refers to the retirement benefit an employee receives under a defined benefit plan or other annuity. It can be calculated either as a fixed dollar amount or as a percentage of compensation, multiplied by the number of years of service. In the case of an annuity, the benefit is typically determined by a formula that considers the amount contributed and the number of contribution years.

Insuranceopedia Explains Unit Benefit

For example, an employee might be entitled to receive 2% of the average of their three highest consecutive salary years for each year of service. This means an employee with an average salary of $60,000 over those years and 35 years of service would receive $42,000 in annual retirement benefits. Consequently, a unit benefit incentivizes employees to remain with the company longer to secure higher retirement benefits.

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