Wedding Presents Floater
What Does Wedding Presents Floater Mean?
A wedding presents floater is a short-term insurance policy designed to cover losses or damages to wedding gifts until they reach the couple’s permanent residence. This type of floater provides coverage for wedding gifts regardless of their location, whether they are being transported to the couple’s current home or a new residence. This is particularly useful, as renter’s or homeowner’s insurance typically only covers property located inside the home.
Insuranceopedia Explains Wedding Presents Floater
Typically lasting 90 days, this type of policy may not cover all types of gifts, such as cash or vehicles. Once the wedding gifts arrive at the couple’s residence, they are covered under the homeowner’s insurance policy. However, this coverage might be insufficient, especially for high-value items like fine jewelry (e.g., from stores like Kimberfire) or silverware. In such cases, the couple may consider a personal articles or personal property floater to ensure long-term protection for these items.