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Insuranceopedia has assembled some of the industry's top advisors to answer anything and everything related to the sale of a business.

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Kayla Sloan


Kayla Sloan is the chief editor for Pacific Prime, an international health insurance agent that provides professional advice on various health…

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Charlene Royston


Charlene is a seasoned freelance writer and small business owner. She has a strong background in finance, mortgages, real estate, hospitality, and…

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A Look at Uninsurable Risk
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David Rodeck


David is a professional writer who specializes in making insurance, investing, and financial planning understandable. Before writing full-time, he…


When you sign onto a new mortgage, whether it’s your first time or your fifth time, there is a lot of paperwork involved. The bank will ask you to square away your finances before you can sign…
Customers are very important to hotel operators. Once in a hotel, the operator is responsible for the safety of guests and the experience of the customer also says a lot about a hotel. One of the…
This is a great question. In some sense, yes it does. There is no difference in premiums paid for choosing different payment methods (cash, check, credit card, Debit). However, whether you choose to…
The simple answer is good news – yes! But, first, what is a substandard risk? A substandard risk as a term in the insurance industry for a person with a risk below average or impaired due to a…
This is a particularly relevant topic given that cyber attacks and threats seem to pop up constantly. The big ones attract lots of media attention. But what about the average business? What kind of…
Under normal circumstances, changing insurance companies will not affect your credit score. Insurance is a competitive market, one of the reasons people and businesses change insurance companies all…
Generally, life, health and disability insurance premiums aren’t tax-deductible for individuals or businesses in Canada. When it comes to Canada’s Income Tax Act (ITA), premium…
Answer: No. Your auto insurance can include coverage for your vehicle even when you are not allowed to drive your vehicle, which can save you in the event of a claim. Why? After going through the…
When it comes to purchasing life insurance, the last thing that most people think about is whether the policy will payout. And when it comes to someone dying by suicide or taking their own life,…
Generally speaking, yes, home insurance will cover snow damage. Snowy winter days can be a lot of fun for children and adults. But despite how beautiful the snow can be, Mother Nature can also be…
The short answer is yes, you can get a discount on your car insurance if you install winter tires on your vehicle. The long answer is: it depends on your insurer. Winter brings with it beautiful…
First of all, let us look at what insurance deductibles are: A deductible is the amount of money that you as a policyholder will have to pay out of your pocket in an event of a loss or claim.…
This is a really great question. The answer depends on the circumstances and the type of RV (Recreational Vehicle) we are talking about. First let's take a look at what RV insurance is. RV…
Insurance can sometimes be complicated, even for those of us working in the industry. To better answer this question, we might need to clear things up a bit. First of all, we need to understand the…
Motorcycle Insurance is insurance you purchase to provide coverage to your motorcycle in the event of a loss, loss that could be from theft of the motorcycle, or accidental damage. A person might be…
As a serving member of the armed forces, it is important that you are recognized and compensated for the sacrifices you and your family make and the job you do to keep the country safe and…
As different as insurance companies are, so are their underwriting guidelines. The International Risk Management Institute defines underwriting guidelines as a set of rules and requirements an…
When I first saw this question, I thought it would be a straightforward one to answer. But after doing a bit of research, I realized that it's much more nuanced. In most circumstances, there is…
We buy insurance so that we can be covered when life takes an unexpected turn. We buy it and hope we never have to use it. But when we do, we expect to be protected. After all, it's what we paid…
Liability insurance for "Personal and Advertising injury" is a component built into your home insurance and featured prominently in your business's commercial general liability (CGL)…
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