Latest Disability Insurance Articles
Personal Lines
When Your Insurance Company Won’t Pay (And What to Do)
According to a report put out by the Insurance Information Institute, in the first half of 2020, catastrophe-related property and casualty insurance claims totalled…
By: Janice Tober
The Insurance Business
Insurance for Veterans: A Primer
If you're a veteran or active-duty serviceman or woman, the spouse or child of a veteran or active-duty serviceman or woman, or a cadet or midshipman at a military…
By: David Hughes | Writer/Researcher
Personal Lines
How to Make Sure Your Insurance Will Cover Mental Health Services
According to reports from the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), approximately 1 in 5 adults in the United States experience the effects of mental illness each…
By: Maurice Draine
Personal Lines
Bad Insurance Advice You’ve Probably Received at Some Point
It seems everyone has advice about insurance. You'll get a lot of tips and warnings from relatives, friends, and even total strangers. But how do you know what to…
By: David Hughes | Writer/Researcher
Personal Lines
12 Disability Benefit Riders to Improve Your Coverage
According to a 2015 study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one in five adults has a disability.While government agencies do offer two types of…
By: Charlene Royston | Owner
Personal Lines
Is Mortgage Critical Illness Insurance Right for You?
A house is the most expensive thing many people will ever buy, and they might go heavily into debt in the process. Mortgages help people finance their home ownership…
By: Bennett O'Brien | Freelance Writer
Personal Lines
5 Different Types of Insurance and Who They’re Best For
When it comes to purchasing insurance, there are so many different options to choose from that it can be a real headache trying to figure out what you need. You can find…
Personal Lines
Why You Need Disability Insurance
Most people are aware that they will need life insurance is something that most people are aware of and many people buy (find out The Perfect Age to Get Life Insurance),…
By: David Hughes | Writer/Researcher
Personal Lines
Considering Long-term Care Insurance? Here’s What You Need to Know
Long-term care insurance (LTC) is health insurance specifically designed to provide care for people living with an injury or chronic illness. It offers both medical and…
Personal Lines
How Do I Know If I Need Disability Insurance?
Deciding whether you need disability insurance for you, your family, and your business is an important consideration. Of course, you want to protect yourself against the…
By: Charlene Royston | Owner
Personal Lines
Medical Concierge and Insurance Broker: What’s the difference?
If you find yourself hospitalized with the prospect of needing some serious care, it can help to have someone in your corner. Someone that knows all the insurance lingo…
By: Rob McBroom
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